Friday, September 30, 2011

This is why I can't have kids...Happy Friday!

"If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is ‘God is crying’. And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is ‘Probably because of something you did."
— Jack Handey

hahaha...I'm so evil ;)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

All by myself

I am pretty good about being an independent woman but every once in a while I have a moment where I want to put on my flannel pajamas, drink a bottle of wine and listen to sad love songs. The only thing that would make this night perfect is my cat.......God I'm pathetic....oh well....tomorrow I can get back to being my awesome self. Sigh......

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I think I'm ready

This morning I went shopping in downtown Lausanne. As I was walking by a store front a feather flew right past me and landed on the ground. When I looked up I saw feathers falling everywhere. It made me think of my Uncle who passed away when I was 6. There is a story behind it, but it always seems when I need something I find a feather. It is almost like he is thinking of me.

This past week has been an interesting one for me. For one reason or another I find myself reflecting more on who I am and what I want. I have taken the steps to achieve my professional goals and I know I am on the right track. Now, after nearly 4 years of being along, I find myself something missing?

It is easy to let life distract you from loneliness. There will always be bills to pay, laundry to do and assignments to turn in. I have learned the most dangerous time is the space in-between the distractions, the quiet moments when you let your guard down. These are the times when life catches up with you. When you find yourself walking down the street looking up a the sky as feathers cascade around you. When you realize you are ready to let the world stop spinning and open yourself up to the possibilities. When you see the feathers for the sky.

Maybe my Uncle was sending me a message that it's time. It might be time for me to stop being so afraid of the outcome. It is easier to be alone because you don't have to trust another person and depend on them. But being afraid is no way to live. People need people and I am starting to realize that I need my own person. I need to let go of the fear and fly. But with whom?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Friday

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alchohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months warm, happy, and floating…you finish off as an orgasm."

-Jack Handey

Monday, September 19, 2011

To boldly go where no beer has gone before

The following is an account of 10 intrepid travelers who set out on a journey seeking greatness. Each of us had different backgrounds, life experiences and alcohol tolerances...but we all had one common goal.....BEER! Together, we were a band of pilgrims seeking the ultimate Mecca for our kind. Our journey led us to Oktoberfest!

Wench's Log: Day 1, September 16th
The Arrival: It was like the beginning of the Britney Spears video "Baby One More Time". I was sitting in class, flicking my pen nervously on the desk, watching the clock, tick...tock...tick...tock....I just need it to be 12:30! As soon as we were out of class, we grabbed our bags and hit the road. I had that nervous excited feeling I get right before I go to Disneyland. But my rag tag bunch of friends and I weren't heading to Disneyland. We were heading to the other happiest place on earth...Munich!

The drive was a long one but totally worth it. As soon as we made it to the parking lot of the hotel we had our first of many beers. After checking in and a quick change we were off to downtown. We had dinner at the Augistener beer hall. It was hilarious, because as soon as we walked in my American cohort said "Jess, I know were are in the middle of Munich but it looks like the Epcot center!". There were beer wenches, liters of ale and sausages galore!

We all had a great dinner and I developed a really fun beer game ( don't ask). After dinner we headed toward....well, no one really knows, but we did end up at a dance club. The remaining events of the evening were a blur. I do remember dancing salsa with a Cuban guy and taking a sip of a mojito. We walked back to the hotel in the rain....and then I passed out :) All I know was that....IT WAS AWESOME!

Wench's Log: Day 2, September 17th, 2011
Making it rain!: Not unusual for me I was one of the first up and especially perky after a long night out. A few of us went outside to enjoy the opening day Oktoberfest parade. I saw many things, not the least of which was a guy with a kick-ass mustache and 2 little wiener dogs. Awesome! We toasted the maidens. I winked at the gents. I admired the horses. And awwed at the children. After the parade the ladies headed to the shops to find our dresses. Fun fact: If a lady's apron is tied on her left she is single, the right married, in the back widowed and in the middle.....well....she is up for anything ;).

The boys had headed to the tents while we were shopping and got us a seat. The bad news was all the tents were full when we got to Oktoberfest so we ate a sausage and had an ice cream and tried to make the best of it. All the ladies decided to head to the pub next to our hotel and have a liter (or two). Next, we decided a nap was in order. Some may disagree but I think that was the best idea ever. Once we were all refreshed we headed to the tents again. This time we got right in and got a table. We had 6 beers and 3 Chickens. We met a German named Sebastian and a guy from Denmark named...wait...I don't remember his name.

And started to rain....I don't mean a splash or a sprinkle, it was torrential downpours.....AND IT WAS AWESOME! People were attempting to make tents out of tables, others put up their umbrellas. We just went with it and got soaking wet. We ran in the rain laughing and skipping like little girls. We were adorable. Getting caught in the rain at Oktoberfest was one of my highlights of the weekend!

We ran back to the hotel, changed our clothes and headed to our "neighborhood bar". We continued our consumption, faked the lyrics to numerous German folk songs and met a lot of people. Who knew dancing on benches with 150 people could be so much fun! We all eventually stumbled back to the hotel, some earlier then others, and took our rest for the final day.

Wench's Log: Day 3, September 18th, 2011
Prost!: "Nicole, it's 8am. The tents open in 1 hour. Let's get up. We can do this!" I was so ready. My dress was dry from the night before and I felt good. We got everyone together and headed to Hippodrom tent. It was everything I dreamed of, sometimes I get a little tear in my eye when I think about it. Imagine a beautiful tent with red, green and gold swagging on the roof, beautiful evergreen wreaths with little horses dangling playfully, almost as if they are trotting above you saying "neiiiggghhh, Jessica, have a beer!". It was magical.

Our waiter came by with our first round. I took my first sip and then......oh no....I wasn't feeling so good. When he came by again I asked for a mineral water and do you know what he said to me...."Chicken". Oh well, it was the best thing I ever did because after that it was on. I don't remember how many beers I had, I don't remember all the people I met, I don't remember how many bits of pretzel mysteriously ended up in my clevage (thanks Dana)....but I do remember this. IT WAS AWESOME! We toasted the band as they marched out and chugged a beer. We said Prost (German for cheers) so many times I can't count. I ate this delicious pork thing with a potato dumpling. YUM.

Eventually it was time to leave the tent so the group march back, stein in hand, to the hotel. We took another nap and then rallied for dinner. No one looked that good. I figured we would all head back to the hotel after dinner. But somehow, I had a beer, and then 2, and then 3....and then I was dancing on benches again. My friend and I noticed this little 13 year old kid working behind the bar. It was a like a sitcom. Every time he came from the back he had a different accessory on. We even borrowed his hot pink over sized sunglasses for photos.

Some other things happened that night. We saw an old guy who looked like on of our friends, but 30 years from now, we sang loudly to John Denver's Country Roads and I met a Pharmacist named Ben. I can't say more about the rest....but trust me....IT WAS AWESOME!

Wench's Log: Day 4, September 19th, 2011
The Return Journey: It was rough going the next day. Some of us were ready to go but some of us were reluctant to say good bye to the land of liters and lederhosen....but it was time. We piled into the cars and headed home. On a side note: I puked in a field ouside of Munich.

We made it back home after a few pits stops, a long nap and a 7 hour drive. I personally spent the entire night in my bed watching episodes of "How I Met Your Mother". The weekend was over. I found some bruises in strange places. I became closer with my classmates. I learned that yes...I still got it girl! I surprised myself with how much beer I can consume. I think I surprised a few of my classmates with some of my, I am not as sweet as I look ;)....But hey, what happens in Munich stays in Munich. OKTOBERFEST was an amazing experience. I am so glad I was able to share it with some amazing people and yes...IT WAS AWESOME! PROST!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We will never forget....

This short-film captures exactly what I remember about September 11th. I was one week away from starting my sophomore year of college. I was carefree and on a beach retreat with my sorority sisters. I remember being one of the first girls awake and seeing the news. I was stunned. 10 years later I can still remember how fast my heart was beating. My palms were sweating. I think it was the first time in my life I was truly and utterly afraid.

I feared for my father who I thought might be recalled to the Armed Services.

I feared for my future. Would I finish college? Would I have a school to go back to a year from now?

I feared for all the people in The Twin Towers, The Pentagon and the plane that crashed outside of Pennsylvania. Did anyone survive?

Most of all

I feared war.

Not the war we see on the news, so far away. War in my backyard. As a young American, it was the first time the reality of the world slapped me in the face. It forced me to think about what other people are faced with everyday. Not feeling safe. Not knowing the direction your country may go. Will there be a tomorrow? Politics aside, I learned something about myself that day.

I was ignorant.

I thought I was an intelligent person. I graduated with a great GPA from high school. I was a successful college student. But that just isn't enough. September 11th taught me that there is more to being a person than what you can write on a resume. It is about participating in the human experience. Understanding your place in the world. Knowing what is happening all around you, not just what is right in front of you. September 11th was a terrible day in our nation's history but in the history book of my life that was the day I became a citizen of the world.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I know it's Friday but.....

It was just one of those perfect Friday afternoons. Perfect weather, good company, numerous iPhone apps. It reminded me of one of my favorite music videos from when I was a kid. I know it's only Friday, but it felt like a "Sunday Afternoon". Try to image me as a chill 'early 90's Latino Rapper ;)

A beer
During our class break
Then more excel, gotta calculate a date
Class ends
And we meet at the bar
Time for more beer 'cause we know how far
We've come
but it's not over yet
Gotta remember 'bout Finance

But stop hommie, just chill,
'cause we've got time
to sit on the patio
and bust cool rhymes
Sip back the whiskey
Pound a few beers
Head to room 90, no fears

Dancing on couches,
Spilling some wine
It's cool, it's MHA style

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chai Tea...Chai Tea....gotta have my Chai Tea!

I remember I had Starbucks at least twice a week when I was living in the US. It was relatively cheap and so convenient. Not so much in Switzerland. My tall drink cost me almost 7 swiss francs but I did manage to order it in French with the help of my friend. It was a pure moment of joy when I picked up my drink in that familiar paper cup and took my first sip. It was like Christmas had exploded in my mouth. All the familiar flavors, the smell, that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Sometimes it is the simple things in life. Even if it is a commercially produced, overpriced, mass marketed product. I suppose that's what makes it truly American...... and so delicious. I can't have Starbucks every day but it certainly was a welcome treat on an otherwise ordinary Wednesday. So when you go to Starbucks pour a tall, soy, 2 pump cinnamon dolce, no water, no foam, chai tea latte for your hommie. Word.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh Yeah ;)

So today was the first day all of the young bachelor students came to campus. It is a bit weird being almost 30 years old surrounded by young and innocent boys in Hugo Boss suits. Maybe I need to take inspiration from Mrs. Robinson? What do you think ;)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Meow (note the underlying cat disdain)

"I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it."
— Jack Handey

First Finance Class

This afternoon we had our first finance class and it brought me back to my younger days when I actually knew what the formula for Net Present Value was. I guess I will need to dust off my memory and get back into the swing of things. Tonight I have to work on our first assignment and I hope that I am able to do better than the person in this cartoon ;) Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Every weekend I feel like I get to take a trip somewhere in the world. Last week it was China. This week Mexico! One of my classmates is from Mexico and made a delicious feast for us tonight. We enjoyed fajitas, fresh guacamole and chile con carne! There were a few tequila shots thrown in there for good measure as well. What fun it is to share in someone's culture over food, drinks and dancing. Every day and each weekend confirms it.....Moving to Switzerland.... BEST IDEA EVER!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Their eyes meant and they both knew.....

Perhaps it has been a week of wine tasting, the fondue I just had at dinner or my overactive sense of imagination but I think I am in love. Ladies, if you will do me a favor and close your eyes. Imagine you have just come home from a long day at work and the most amazing guy is curled up in bed, wearing nothing but flannel pajama bottoms. He is reading some fascinating book one of his colleagues recommended and he pats the space beside him welcoming you into that perfect little nook underneath his arm. Say it with me ladies....aaaahhhhhh!

This was the image I painted for my dinner companions on the drive back from the restaurant moments ago. Two conclusions were drawn from my friends:

1. I should write a romance novel
2. I need a man

I deal with the easier item to tackle first:

As she set across the table from him at dinner she didn't know if the feeling in her stomach was attraction or utter fear. Could she be feeling such intense chemistry with a man she had only met at the coffee shop the day before?

Yesterday when she was waiting in line for her daily venti, soy, no water, no foam, chai tea latte the person in front of her dropped a $10 dollar bill. Being the good Girl Scout she was raised to be, she tapped the gentlemen in front of her to inform him. When he turned around he said "why thank you, most people wouldn't be so kind". "Oh, well, I'm just doing what is right, I wouldn't want someone to take my 10 bucks, no worries" Jessica said, barely looking at the man, she was getting to really good part of her book. "Oh" he said "well thanks just the same, my name is Eric". Jessica looked up from her tome. "I'm so sorry, what was I thinking, you're welcome, my name is Jessica. Pleasure to meet you".

From there Jessica realized she had seen this man several times in the coffee shop before. He was just another one of the myriad of extremely good looking men in the city. One she would never dream of speaking to so she just filed him away in her mental "never gonna happen" box with all the others. But this one was different. First of all, he was speaking to her, that was good news and second, "Oh my gosh is this guy is really talking to me!" After Jessica returned from her inner monologue she realized Eric was asking her to dinner.

But that was yesterday. Tonight she was here with Eric and to her surprise he was confessing that he had dropped the money on purpose to have a reason to speak to her. He had noticed her for a few weeks arriving at the coffee shop every morning at 7:16am. No earlier, no later. "You were always reading a book or the New Yorker and I never felt like I could make an introduction. I thought if I could have a reason to talk to you maybe I would be lucky and you might go out with me" Eric concluded. Jessica was stunned. She looked over her shoulder for a moment to make sure he was speaking to her. As Eric finished his story he discretely shifted his hand across the table so the tips of his fingers were barely meeting Jessica's. The flip in her stomach happened again. Jessica thought "This isn't just chemistry, this is fireworks" she raised her hand "waiter, check please."