Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Champagne Wishes

"Love is like an empty bottle of Champagne: you don’t refill it, you get a new bottle."

Today was the third day of our Beverage Management class and we learned everything there is to know about Champagne, the region and the delicious drink. Did you know that the high C02 levels in Champagne causes the alcohol to reach your bloodstream more quickly? I suppose that is why each time I drink Champagne I always say that the "bubbles are going to my head"! It was a lovely day that ended with a Champagne tasting. I was able to try Krug and Dom Perignon which were both delicious. Now that I have had a few days of wine and beverage knowledge I can appreciate why people take it up as a hobby. I encourage you to try a bottle of Champagne from the Champagne region of France. As my French friends would say it is Très Bien!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

But I thought I was a Cabernet?

"I love the fact that you can't tell Pinot Noir what to do; it has to express itself. And it's always just beyond your grasp. If you do manage to get a hold of it, it's only for a fleeting moment."

This week we have been taking a wine class that has caused me to reflect on what I think about wine and even what I think about myself. A few years ago when I watched the movie "Sideways" I really enjoyed it but I didn't quite understand all the nuances of the movie. Like a good wine the meaning has revealed itself to me over time. I used to think I was more like a Cabernet. Thick skinned, could flourish in any environment, bold and in your face, perhaps not? I think this is how I choose to appear but on the inside I'm more like a Pinot Noir. For those of you that really know me, you will probably understand this parallel. For those of you who don't know me...good luck ;)

You are a Pinot Noir - Refined, smooth, and emotional.

Your friends often describe you as a very intelligent and intellectual conversationalist, always bringing up an interesting perspective on any topic. You are well-mannered and enjoy fine things, but can also get into a well-made simple meal. You pay attention to detail but also care about history and stories behind people and things. You are a fun person once someone gets to know you, and are known for your wonderful and smart sense of humor.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

If only I had a puppy

This has been such a great weekend. I hiked a mountain, stayed in the Hospice where Napoleon's soliders were treated and learned a lot about myself. However, I have to say that the highlight were THE PUPPIES! As most of you know I love animals and St. Bernard dogs are no exception. It was such a treat to be able to pet these gentle giants and see the little 6 week old puppies frolic.

Here is a great video about St. Bernard dog that also shows the hospice where we stayed and the training camp for the dogs! Click here!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Climb every mountain

Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Till you find your dream.

Today was one of the most trans-formative experiences of my life. I have overcome a lot in my days but scaling the mountain today with my team and classmates really showed me what I am made of. There were several times when I wanted to cry and give up but I didn't. With the help of my friends and my own perseverance I made it. I learned that if you can overcome the fear in your mind you can accomplish anything, even climbing up a mountain a mile and a half. I am proud of what I accomplished today because I didn't just claim victory over the mountain. I claimed a victory for my spirit!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I hope you had the time of your life!

Tonight the 2011 MHA's graduated and they graciously invited us to attend their commencement. Wow, it was such an emotional night for me. I was thinking about what I am going to be feeling in a year when I am finally done. What memories will I have, what lasting friendships will I have made, most of all...will I have a job? ;) I was also thinking about how great it is going to feel to have my Mom by my side to see me graduate for the third time. However, I know all of these questions and moments will reveal themselves in good time. For now, cheers to the graduating MHA's. I hope you had the time of your life!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So learning French has been on a challenge on several levels. First, I am in class all day speaking English so I don't get a lot of time to practice, second I haven't been using my Rosetta Stone and third I can't pronounce the words. It is hilarious every time I try to say très bien because I have to think about it for minute. I am not very good at using my throat and chest to make the correct sounds. In fact, today one of my french classmates was teaching me the word banana and I thought she said bananu. Puis-je avoir une bananu? Needless to say, the lady at the coffee bar looked very confused when I asked. The only good news is that at least I am trying. Hopefully by the end of the year I will look back at this entry and not be so mortified :).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here comes the sun

What a beautiful day! When I was back in the states I was working ALL THE TIME and I just couldn't imagine myself filling my days with relaxing activities. I wasn't even sure I knew how to relax but I was wrong ;). Today we drove down to Ouchy which is the waterfront in Lausanne. After taking the scenic route, the roads were blocked because of a triathlon, we made it to the park that was only steps away from the water. We laid in the sun enjoying wine and delicious snacks. I took a refreshing dip in Lake Geneva and watch boats pass by while I looked across to France. Is this my life...really? The answer is YES :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I am a dumpling warrior!

Tonight was quite an experience. I got to enjoy authentic Chinese dumplings, learn how to partner dance and realized that peanuts are actually weapons in the wrong hands ;) I feel so lucky to have such great classmates to learn and have fun with. It was funny to see how many dumplings some of the men in our class could actually consume. It was a sight to see for sure. At this rate I will have eaten my way around the world by years end. Next stop...Mexico!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The name is Bond...James Bond...who?

I am not ashamed to admit that tonight was the first time I have EVER seen a James Bond movie. Why you ask? Because I haven't, no deep explanation. However, I have to say....YES, YUM, OMG, THAT'S RIGHT, and again YYEEEESSSSSSSS! What was I thinking by waiting so long. Granted, I think I would enjoy Sean Connery more but I did find Daniel Craig a great Bond. Casino Royale had all the elements of a great film: a bad guy, beautiful locations, hot action sequences and a steamy romance. Which one should I see next, any suggestions?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Est stupide!

Today was a very long day topped off by a very funny evening. I finally finished moving into my new dorm room which was a long and stressful task. Who wants to move? I moved across the world, then to one dorm, now to another. In a year I will be moving somewhere else, ahhh it's tiring. However, I did have a lovely dinner with two of my French classmates and one of the previous MHA students. We spent most of our dinner discussing one of our very funny professors. He speaks in what I call Frenglish. It's a funny combination of French and English with colloquial french sayings and his own twist of whimsy. Est stupide, bull@$!#, voila!, impossible! It was a long weekend and it was nice to laugh over something silly. Here's to more great evenings over wine and laughs ;)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Geneva Fireworks

Iridescent sparks sate the sky

A stark mystery remains

Through the mist I seek why

Regard is not bestowed the same

Friday, August 12, 2011

White, white and white all over!

Tonight was the white party. The previous MHA's hosted us in one of the apartments on campus. There was a lovely outdoor terrace, sausages, wine and lots of people wearing white. Good news! I managed to go the whole night without getting dirty. For those of you who know me, I don't wear white. I am one of the clumsiest people I know and I hate being dirty. I actually thought about showing up in regular clothes with a name tag that said "My name is White". Haha! It was a really fun night and most of the details are better left undislosed but I will leave you with this funny photo. I have no idea where the 3D glasses or hat came from ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I am changing....I think?

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has done through to achieve that beauty.
Maya Angelou

Moving to Switzerland is definitely a big change in my life but I am truly changing? I'm not sure? I have sort of settled back into a routine and into some of my old habits. I came on this adventure to continue to grow. I think I wrote this entry to remind myself of that. God knows I have evolved a lot as a person in the last 10 years but I know I still have a long way to go. I want to learn French, find someone to be my true self with and maybe actually keep my room clean for once ;) I do want to change those things about myself that I wish were better.

"Look at me, I am changing, trying every way I can" Sing it Ms. Hudson!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Bahamas and Beer Pong

Today one of my classmates made a Bahamian feast for our class. We had roast chicken, carrots, green beans and rice with beans. Super yummy. We all sat out on the patio and enjoyed our meal and we got to hear about traditional Bahamian food. Good times. Most of us were tired from last night so we only stopped by a party where they were playing beer pong. There were 4 or 5 Americans in the group and we all had the same rules for beer pong which was pretty funny. I even coach one of the French guys on how to properly shit talk! The funniest part was one of my Swiss friends was convinced that you had to jump on the table for the last ball. She said she saw it on youtube. Well I found the video. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

BBQ is Australian for PARTY

I can't say much about tonight to protect the involved parties. But the following equation led to one of the most amazing nights in Switzerland so far:

Aussies(BBQ+Beer+Dancing) +MHA - decency/ karoke + wii = EPIC NIGHT

Just ask this guy...The Australians know how to get it done!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Under Pressure

A quiet night...pajamas...a little dinner...take in a movie....bed, not so much. I was going to try and be a good girl but I don't think it is in me. I ended up going out tonight with a big group to a really cute pub. I had a great, great, great time. We hung out and had a few drinks then headed over to a dance club that played great music. I dance for about 2 hours or more. I'm not really sure. I gave into peer pressure and I'm glad I did, what a fun night. I should be weak willed more often ;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Frenchies and Foie Gras

So I have always know of the American "French Chef" Julia Child but I got to see real French food first hand tonight via my French Classmates. All I can say is wow. They made rosemary pork tenderloin, potatoes, sweet apples, chocolate cake, and an apple/passion fruit salad. In addition, we had cheese, bread, crackers, grapes and A LOT OF WINE! It is such a blessing to sit around the table and get to know everyone's stories and how they made it to EHL. We also had our professor for accounting join us and I was able to chat with him for a bit which was very interesting. I would rate my experience so far as an 15 out of 10. Can it get any better? Well why not ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Out here on my own

"Sometimes I wonder where I've been
Who I am
Do I fit in.
Make believin' is hard alone,
Out here on my own"

Being in another country far away from everyone you know can be a daunting prospect. Ever since I left I have been busy experiencing the world and adjusting to my new life. I haven't really had a moment of peace to myself until today. I took some time downtown and wandered the streets getting to know my new home. I watched parents walking their children, lovers holding hands, teenagers stalking the streets in groups. I think it was good for me to take a moment to absorb my new surroundings but it also allowed the reality to set in. I am getting to know people and creating new friends but no one here truly knows me. Do I even know me? I have spent so many years trying to achieve the next great thing I haven't really stop to examine the person I have become. Being strong is hard work but being vulnerable is even more difficult. I know how to present myself in a certain way and maintain distance but at some point I am going to have to let someone in. But who? I guess the adventures of this year will reveal themselves in due time. No use in trying to anticipate it like I do everything else.

"When I'm down and feelin' blue
I close my eyes so I can be with you"

Monday, August 1, 2011

In the summertime!

"Life's for living, yeah that's our philosophy!"

What a nice day today. It was Swiss National Day and a group of us headed down to the waterfront for the day. There was a fair with food, beer and various vendors. I bought a fabulous teal sun hat with a bow. It was great to people watch, or more specifically dog watch. Dana and I had a great time watching all of the cute puppies trot by. I was good and only had one Heineken the whole day but I did splurge and eat a delicious passion fruit gelato. Yummy!

After a while we found a great spot on the steps in front of a nice water feature in the middle of the park. We chatted and waited for the sun to set for the fireworks display. Even as an adult I still love to see the sky light up with beautiful fireworks. It was quite romantic actually. The only thing I was missing was a hot Swiss guy to hold me hand. Just give me some time ;)

It was a great day in Lausanne and a fabulous weekend overall. Dinner and dancing on Friday, relaxing Saturday, pool party on Sunday and a waterfront stroll on Monday. Not bad for my first full week in Switzerland. Now the real work begins. We have our first two classes tomorrow in finance and business metrics. I'm looking forward to diving into the academics but I am still going to try to soak up the sun on the weekends. After all it is still summer ;)