Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style
Just a simple Saturday. Studied all day and then made dinner with my friend. She introduced me to an interesting potato dish. I made strawberry short cake. We watched the Sex and the City movie and it was her first time. It was hilarious to watch her reaction to Mr. Big and all of the silly jokes the girls made. Fun night, good times, I think we are going to do it again.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I have friend...she is fun...she is crazy...she is French!
So I went out with a group of friends tonight. The plan, just drinks, nothing too crazy and then get back to bed early....Ooops. Instead we discovered an awesome dance floor in the basement of the bar. They played some some great songs...a little grease throw back, some oldies but goodies...but the best song was a French pop hit from the 80s. It was the best because my friend went all French on me. She was singing like it was a Britney Spears song or something. Watch it! It is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. The rest of my Friday nights in Switzerland need to be as amazing as this one.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
New life!
So excited to have a new computer and I got a really good deal on it! I finally got my HP fixed when I went back to the states and then the screen went out again! I decided it wasn't worth it any more and decided to buy a netbook. It is what I originally wanted in the first place but the guy at Best Buy talked me out of it. It is so great to have a working computer again. Check it out!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Ski in the Swiss Alps...bucket list item...check!
Things I learned today:
- How to walk like a duck
- How to plow
- How to turn
- How to plow parallel
- How to ski parallel
- How to make epic crashes into the snow bank and smile about it!
As a first time skier it was an amazing experience. I had my partner in crime Kelvin to make the day fun and we lucked out with a really great ski instructor Harry. I think I will have to continue this hobby if only for the fondue and beer afterward.
I can't wait to go again. But before I do I must acquire a neon ski outfit "a la" the Ski School movie circa 1991. It looks like it is totally awesome dude!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Celebrity category....who was the predecessor of Gaddafi?
Answer.....Gaddafi Senior? Tonight was the pub quiz at school and we had some interesting questions. Like world history questions under the celebrity category, but that was ok. Even though the questions were sometimes confusing most of us were already gone anyways after all of the beer and mojitos that we consumed. There were 2 MHA teams there and we were defiantly the loud obnoxious ones. At one point I broke out into a dance break and scared my friend Charlotte. Sadly neither of our teams won but we did have a hell of a good time...looking forward to losing the next one! Go team MHA MHA MIA!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Runner's High
Today was the first day in a long time where I actually enjoyed running. Over the last few months I have gone for a run here and there but I have never reached that moment where I felt like I was flying. Today I reached that moment again and it was amazing.
I am on track to run the Geneva Marathon, only 15 more weeks of training to go. Hopefully, I don't hit the wall. Wish me luck
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
I am the captain of my soul
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tweed Jackets and other reasons Professors are hot!
When I was a little girl I distinctly remember being given the assignment in my first grade class to bring in ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Being a systematic person,even at 7 years old, I grabbed my Encyclopedia and started with the letter "A" looking for different occupations. The first job I came across that was of interest to me was Archaeologist.
When I told my Mom she was pleased to tell me that Indiana Jones was an Archaeologist too. Wow! and I even had a scar on my chin just like Harrison Ford(Chuck E Cheese accident, another story)! My Mom was smart enough not to buy me a bullwhip (that was my teens, another story) but I did sport a fedora for a little while. In my mind I would have adventures in far off places, find buried treasure and become world renowned. What a life! I kept this fantasy up for a few years until I decided I really didn't enjoy science (Biology class in high school, another story).
Although I left the dream of Archaeology behind, I kept the image of Indiana Jones in my mind. Of course, everyone enjoys the version of Indiana Jones with his khakis, fedora and bull whip but I have always been more stimulated by his sexy professor look. Nothing hotter than a guy in a tweed jacket and bow tie with chalk smudges on his sleeve, add in elbow patches and I melt!
At this point I'm on track with the far off adventure, working on becoming world renowned. Now I just need to find a sexy Professor type to help me discover some buried treasure. Applications are now being accepted ;)
When I told my Mom she was pleased to tell me that Indiana Jones was an Archaeologist too. Wow! and I even had a scar on my chin just like Harrison Ford(Chuck E Cheese accident, another story)! My Mom was smart enough not to buy me a bullwhip (that was my teens, another story) but I did sport a fedora for a little while. In my mind I would have adventures in far off places, find buried treasure and become world renowned. What a life! I kept this fantasy up for a few years until I decided I really didn't enjoy science (Biology class in high school, another story).
Although I left the dream of Archaeology behind, I kept the image of Indiana Jones in my mind. Of course, everyone enjoys the version of Indiana Jones with his khakis, fedora and bull whip but I have always been more stimulated by his sexy professor look. Nothing hotter than a guy in a tweed jacket and bow tie with chalk smudges on his sleeve, add in elbow patches and I melt!
At this point I'm on track with the far off adventure, working on becoming world renowned. Now I just need to find a sexy Professor type to help me discover some buried treasure. Applications are now being accepted ;)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Another reason to move to New York....
Summers in the Catskill mountains....Imagine it. I'm a (relatively) young single girl who is misunderstood and doesn't quite fit in. He's a hot rebel who has a way with teaching lonely girls like me how to dance. At first meeting, he seems out of my league, after all I look ridiculous carrying a watermelon.
However, unforeseen circumstances bring us together resulting in me becoming a Latin ballroom dancer, lying to my Daddy and spending passionate nights in his cabin. At the end of my trip there is a big dance number where I finally get to wear that awesome pink dress and I get lifted over my lover's head in the ultimate of all dance moves.
So salacious,so forbidden, so wanton, so my fantasy since I've been 8 years old. No body puts Jessica in the corner ;)
To see of scene of my future here!
However, unforeseen circumstances bring us together resulting in me becoming a Latin ballroom dancer, lying to my Daddy and spending passionate nights in his cabin. At the end of my trip there is a big dance number where I finally get to wear that awesome pink dress and I get lifted over my lover's head in the ultimate of all dance moves.
So salacious,so forbidden, so wanton, so my fantasy since I've been 8 years old. No body puts Jessica in the corner ;)
To see of scene of my future here!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Empire State of Mind?
Lately I've been thinking about what it is I am actually going to do with my life after this is all over. I've thought LA, Las Vegas, London, Singapore....I just don't know. Then today it occurred to me, New York. I have always wanted to live there ever since I saw Carrie put on her nameplate necklace and try on her first pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. There really is no reason that I couldn't pick up and move to New York. Who knows...maybe I will ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Today we had a TEDx event at school the was profoundly inspiring. It reminded me of why I left my life behind and came to Switzerland in the first place. We all have the ability to create new and wonderful things in this world. As long as we are open to the universe and the ideas of the people that enter our lives. I remember being dreary and misguided in my old life and wondering what my purpose was going to be. Then one day my Google alert sent me a link to this TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert. Of course, her book "Eat Pray Love" was a transformative experience for me, but I think this speech is what sealed the deal. Enjoy her words, internalize her message and go forth into the world with fearless abandon. Trust me, it's fun once you try it ;)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Deep Thoughts on Love
Saturday, January 14, 2012
A Dream Within A Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe
Friday, January 13, 2012
The world is moving while I stand still
My life is great. I am moving in the right direction and living every moment as best as I can, but sometimes while I am in those amazing moments, reality grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me back.
Tonight I went downtown with some friends to a pub crawl and had an amazing time. I had an entire bar sing Happy Birthday to me (don't ask), I started my own club within a club at one place and I danced like there was literally no tomorrow. The thing is at one moment I found myself looking up and seeing what was really around me.
What I saw was that I was alone. Everyone was dancing just like me, but with each other. It was like one of those time lapse movies where I was standing still while everyone else was living their lives and moving in fast forward. Maybe it is because I was on my sixth beer or maybe it is because I am finally starting to realize that I can't do it all by myself anymore.
Being independent has been a quality about myself that I have held onto fiercely, sometimes to a fault. Relying on someone else for anything is far to frightening a prospect. My rule in life has been like everyone, but trust no one. I am starting to think I may have to jump both feet first and try to trust someone soon, otherwise I may be dancing by myself for far too long.
Tonight I went downtown with some friends to a pub crawl and had an amazing time. I had an entire bar sing Happy Birthday to me (don't ask), I started my own club within a club at one place and I danced like there was literally no tomorrow. The thing is at one moment I found myself looking up and seeing what was really around me.
What I saw was that I was alone. Everyone was dancing just like me, but with each other. It was like one of those time lapse movies where I was standing still while everyone else was living their lives and moving in fast forward. Maybe it is because I was on my sixth beer or maybe it is because I am finally starting to realize that I can't do it all by myself anymore.
Being independent has been a quality about myself that I have held onto fiercely, sometimes to a fault. Relying on someone else for anything is far to frightening a prospect. My rule in life has been like everyone, but trust no one. I am starting to think I may have to jump both feet first and try to trust someone soon, otherwise I may be dancing by myself for far too long.
Metropolis - A New York City Timelapse from Will Boisture on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
If only we could solve the world's problems with post-its
Tonight I had the pleasure of working on an exercise for my entrepreneurship class with some of my lovely female collegues. We exchanged ideas and creativity was bouncing off the walls. It was actually really fun. As we were developing a business model for a wonderful life changing service that would solve a major issue for developing third world countries, I thought to myself, damn....I would be so rich if I had invented the post-it. It was a total Romy and Michelle moment. For those of you who haven't seen the movie please send me an email so I can create a list of people I must immediately un-friend on Facebook. For those of you who have seen it, enjoy the clip ;)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Lately I've been thinking about two constant forces in our lives. Time and change. I have entered into a new decade in my life and this shift in time has caused me to reflect on how I spent my twenties. The triumphs, the failures, the memories and the regrets. In the past 10 years I have evolved into a better version of myself. In some way because of the things I have managed to achieve, but I would say it is mostly because of the mistakes that I have made.
I think it is because every misstep required me to change. At some moments I had to change the entire direction of my life. Not in a way that was forced or unnatural, but in a way that the universe required of me to continue on my journey. Time will continue to pass before us and that cannot be stopped. Life will continue to happen whether or not we decide to accept it. As I approach this new chapter in my life I hope that I will continue to welcome the adventure that change offers and enjoy the time that I am given to follow my heart and truly live.
I think it is because every misstep required me to change. At some moments I had to change the entire direction of my life. Not in a way that was forced or unnatural, but in a way that the universe required of me to continue on my journey. Time will continue to pass before us and that cannot be stopped. Life will continue to happen whether or not we decide to accept it. As I approach this new chapter in my life I hope that I will continue to welcome the adventure that change offers and enjoy the time that I am given to follow my heart and truly live.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The house that built me
Being back in Lausanne is great but I am still a little homesick. Being with my Mom and realizing all of the little personality quarks I get from her make me smile. I know I am the person I have become because of my parents and I can never thank them enough.
Before the break I was excited to see my parents but I thought after going back to Bakersfield for 3 weeks I would be dying to get back to Lausanne. The thing I realized while I was there is that there is just something about home. You just get a certain feeling when you see the same familiar faces and places. I'm sure I will live in many different cities in my life but I don't think I will ever be able to deny my home, even if it is Bakersfield ;)
Before the break I was excited to see my parents but I thought after going back to Bakersfield for 3 weeks I would be dying to get back to Lausanne. The thing I realized while I was there is that there is just something about home. You just get a certain feeling when you see the same familiar faces and places. I'm sure I will live in many different cities in my life but I don't think I will ever be able to deny my home, even if it is Bakersfield ;)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Jet Lagged
Today was a tough one. After I snoozed my alarm at 6am, I overslept and showed up to class 20 minutes later...super awesome. It was just a long day all around. All I wanted to do was take a nap but I was willing myself to stay awake so I could get back on schedule. After class, my friend and I decided to go to a gym class, which I thought would help keep me away. It didn't. I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 11pm, thinking it was the middle of the day. The rest of the night was more sleeping and waking up about every two hours. I think I should be acclimated in the next few days, lets just hope I don't get an altitude headache. Oh, the joys of world travel ;)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Welcome Back?
I finally made it back to Lausanne and I am exhausted. It was nice to get back to my room and attempt to unpack (I didn't get very far). After going to the vending machine to get my dinner I heard a few people were having a "Welcome Back" party. It was great to see a everyone again and have a real dinner. It was funny when someone said "it's good to be back!", I replied "I'm not so sure yet". I know I will get back into the groove of things in a few days but I am already missing my parents, my cats, tacos and margaritas. I know the next 8 months will be full of adventure but right now my heart is still at home. That's ok, I'll buck up eventually.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
8 bags of catfood, 2 buckets of cat litter and a travel sewing kit
My last purchase before I head back to Lausanne. I have set up my cats for the next 8 months and purchased the sewing kit that my Mom was appalled to realize I didn't already have. I supposed I am ready to go back. I thought about going out one last time but I still have to pack tonight and I am exhausted. Sorry, next time Bakersfield, if I ever come back....mwwaahahahahahahaha ;)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Leaving Las Vegas
After a huge breakfast at Hash House A-Go-Go, we hit the road. It was a fun couple of days in Vegas, my Mom had a great time and I got to spend time with my best friend and best cousin. I am really a lucky girl.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Chris Angel, Coyotes and Cans of Beer!
Today was our last night in Vegas and oh did we have fun. First, I wake up this morning around 7am and find my Mom in the bathtub. I thought she was sick but no. She decided to sleep in the tub because she was coughing all night and thought she was disturbing my cousin. I took a picture of it because it was super adorable. Since Steve and Brittney were tired and me and my Mom are early risers we decided to get dressed and see if we could get her the tattoo she wanted. We got our Starbucks and it looked like the Hard Rock was right behind our hotel. We decided to have an earlier morning walk but 1.5 miles later we realized we should have taken a cab. Oh well. We went to the tattoo parlor and my mom decided to wait on getting the tattoo. Next on the agenda was taking a taxi to the Luxor and getting my Mom tickets to see Chris Angel. OMG, my Mom was so excited and I was glad for her!
Next, we walked through the hotels,stopped at Fat Burger for lunch and then went back to the hotel. My Mom decided to take a nap to get ready for the night. I changed into my suit for my meetings and led Brit and Steve to the food court for lunch. After my meetings were over I called everyone, Mom was at the show and Steve and Brit were already 2 drinks in. They informed me that there was vodka in the room and I knew it was going to be a good night. I got back to the room, took 3 shots, prepared myself a drink, shoved the last 2 bottles of beer in my purse and caught a cab to the Luxor.
When I got there Steve and Brit were already at it. We decided to walk to the Excalibur so I could go to the food court and I handed the beers over to Brittney. We didn't have a bottle opener so Steve was smart enough to open the beers on a Thunder Down Under sign, clever bastard. After dinner, we headed back to pick up my Mom from the show. I found her in the gift shop so excited and buying her souvenirs. I am so glad my Mom really got to enjoy Vegas. After the show, I bought my Mom and I a couple of tall boys and then we headed to Coyote Ugly. The details of the rest of the evening are classified. In short, Steve is a fantastic dancer, Brittney should quit her day job and become a Coyote girl, My Mom has definitely still got it and as for me, well, it's better if I don't say.
After Coyote Ugly, Steve and Brittney had this weird trance dub step moment as we headed back to the hotel, we put Steve to bed, had a midnight snack and called it a night. Overall, I would say we did Vegas right, good job us!
Next, we walked through the hotels,stopped at Fat Burger for lunch and then went back to the hotel. My Mom decided to take a nap to get ready for the night. I changed into my suit for my meetings and led Brit and Steve to the food court for lunch. After my meetings were over I called everyone, Mom was at the show and Steve and Brit were already 2 drinks in. They informed me that there was vodka in the room and I knew it was going to be a good night. I got back to the room, took 3 shots, prepared myself a drink, shoved the last 2 bottles of beer in my purse and caught a cab to the Luxor.
When I got there Steve and Brit were already at it. We decided to walk to the Excalibur so I could go to the food court and I handed the beers over to Brittney. We didn't have a bottle opener so Steve was smart enough to open the beers on a Thunder Down Under sign, clever bastard. After dinner, we headed back to pick up my Mom from the show. I found her in the gift shop so excited and buying her souvenirs. I am so glad my Mom really got to enjoy Vegas. After the show, I bought my Mom and I a couple of tall boys and then we headed to Coyote Ugly. The details of the rest of the evening are classified. In short, Steve is a fantastic dancer, Brittney should quit her day job and become a Coyote girl, My Mom has definitely still got it and as for me, well, it's better if I don't say.
After Coyote Ugly, Steve and Brittney had this weird trance dub step moment as we headed back to the hotel, we put Steve to bed, had a midnight snack and called it a night. Overall, I would say we did Vegas right, good job us!
Monday, January 2, 2012
We rocked Vegas so hard we were in bed by midnight!
After getting the car loaded and driving for 4 hours we made it to Vegas and boy did we go ;). We checked into the Planet Hollywood and I quickly changed and headed off to a meeting. While I was in my meeting on could only imagine what was going on with Brit, Steve and my Mom. When my meeting was finished I headed back to the hotel to find all of them at the bar going at it. Steve was 2 long islands in and my Mom and Brit killed a bucket of coronas! And we were just getting started. I went back to the room and changed. Then we took my Mom on a tour of the strip. Just when things we were starting to get crazy.......we decided to go to bed. We took my mom and got her some food. Then after we tucked her in we tried to pick up the pace and went to the main hotel bar. After Steve and I spend 20 minutes being fascinated by the chandelier we decided to call it a night... Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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