Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tweed Jackets and other reasons Professors are hot!

When I was a little girl I distinctly remember being given the assignment in my first grade class to bring in ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Being a systematic person,even at 7 years old, I grabbed my Encyclopedia and started with the letter "A" looking for different occupations. The first job I came across that was of interest to me was Archaeologist.

When I told my Mom she was pleased to tell me that Indiana Jones was an Archaeologist too. Wow! and I even had a scar on my chin just like Harrison Ford(Chuck E Cheese accident, another story)! My Mom was smart enough not to buy me a bullwhip (that was my teens, another story) but I did sport a fedora for a little while. In my mind I would have adventures in far off places, find buried treasure and become world renowned. What a life! I kept this fantasy up for a few years until I decided I really didn't enjoy science (Biology class in high school, another story).

Although I left the dream of Archaeology behind, I kept the image of Indiana Jones in my mind. Of course, everyone enjoys the version of Indiana Jones with his khakis, fedora and bull whip but I have always been more stimulated by his sexy professor look. Nothing hotter than a guy in a tweed jacket and bow tie with chalk smudges on his sleeve, add in elbow patches and I melt!

At this point I'm on track with the far off adventure, working on becoming world renowned. Now I just need to find a sexy Professor type to help me discover some buried treasure. Applications are now being accepted ;)

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